Seaweed veneer is an experimental material developed together with the Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau, Germny. The blade of seaweed replaces the layer of wood that is usually the surface of the veneer. The Laminarium bench is made from 21 blades of seaweed veneer. The shape of the bench is inspired by the movement of kelp in the ocean. Julia Lohmann also used this technique for a book shelf and in kelp marquetry. Initially, she had explored seaweed veneer as a new luxury replacement for tropical hardwood veneer. However, the adhesives and lacquering involved in slowing down the fading of its chlorophyll-based green colour stifles its material agency. Therefore, Lohmann decided not to pursue this development strand further.
The bench was developed as part of Julia Lohmann's research fellowship at Stanley Picker Gallery in Kingston. For more information, see:
Photo: Ellie Laycock